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Best WordPress Security Plugins 2016

Feb 29, 2016

Wordfence Securit Wordpress Plugin
WordPress itself is a solid and secure framework but even then all this doesn’t make it immune to hackers. Basic usernames and weak passwords are one of the main factor for a WordPress website getting hacked.

Because of this I have collected a list of some best WordPress Security Plugins which might be useful to secure your website from malware and hackers attack :

1. Wordfence Security

Wordfence Security plugin for security has over 1 million installs on websites to date, and providing free protection from hacks and malware. It is really the best wordpress plugins in securing a website.  In addition to the usual features of two-step authentication, stopping brute force attacks and also user security strengthening, it also provides scanning & alert features to check if the site is already infected.

2. iThemes Security

As one of the more popular WordPress security plugins, iThemes Security offers both a free and premium version which helps website to have a better premium protection. With over 30 different ways that iThemes improves the security of your website, there are a few things to be aware of before jumping in. If you’re installing the plugin on an existing site, there is a possibility that some of the changes might break your site. Of particular concern are the changes made to the database and changing the path of your wp-content directory. As a precaution, you should make sure you backup your website before activating the plugin or enabling any new features.

3. All In One WP Security & Firewall 

This is a most comprehensive, user-friendly, all in one WordPress security and firewall plugin for free.The main features of this plugin are backing up .htaccess and wp-config.php files, securing user registration and login details.More over it also provides database security and Security Scanner services for free.

4. Sucuri Security 

Securi Scanner is a one of the best WordPress security plugin protects your website from a variety of website attacks.The main features of this plugin are malware Scanning, sending notifications,website firewall,blacklist Monitoring, etc.On the other hand, performance optimization, advanced access and redundancy are newly added features in this plugin.


5. BulletProof Security

Protect and secure your WordPress website with a Bulletproof security plugin.It’s available for free download and the premium version as well.It will back up database,allow to change database table prefix,protects .htaccess file and scans all files.The premium version has many more features like custom php.ini security, database monitoring, Manual database schedule, premium tools to scan and fix common  loop holes of WordPress website.

Auxilium Technology

By Auxilium Team Member


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