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What Happens When You Delete Your Google Business Profile?

Feb 6, 2022

Google Business Profile
Google Business Profiles are the biggest source of new clients for many businesses with significant local customers. If you have a Google Business Profile that suddenly disappeared, you may be frantically trying to get it reinstated. Depending on the reason for deletion, you may be able to have Google reinstate your Profile for you.

Other times, you may want to voluntarily delete your GBP. Perhaps you’re closing down your business, merging with another company, or simply want to start fresh. Every situation is different, so keep reading to learn about what happens when your Google Business Profile is deleted in a few different scenarios.

Situations When a Google Business Profile May Be Deleted

Voluntary Deletion

Deleting your listing will not remove its information from the internet. Many business owners incorrectly believe that deleting their GBP will also remove any bad reviews, but this is not the case.

There are two ways to “delete” your Google Business Profile:

    • Mark as permanently closed.This is what you should do if your business shuts down or if you close down a location for any reason. It won’t remove the information from the internet, but it will show that the business is permanently closed.
    • Remove listing. This will simply release the listing from your Google account so others can claim it. This is what you should do if you sold your business and no longer want to own its GBP.

As you can see, neither option will permanently delete the GBP.

Deleted Google Account

If you delete your Google account (or Gmail account, in other words), your Business Profile won’t be deleted. Instead, it will simply be released. That is, your Gmail account will be gone forever, and your business listing will be reverted to “unclaimed” status.

User Suggestions

Sometimes, Google may act on repeated user suggestions making a business as permanently closed. While a single incorrect user suggestion likely won’t result in action from Google, repeated user suggestions may end up getting your listing marked as permanently closed.

Google Business Profile Suspension

If you violate Google’s Business Profile guidelines, you may end up getting your listing suspended. When this happens, you may be able to file for reinstatement if you can correct the guideline violations that got your Profile suspended in the first place.

Google Business Profile Removal

Some businesses have large teams with many different users on the Google Business Profile. If this sounds like you, one of your team members or former team members may have accidentally removed the listing when trying to remove it from their Google account.

Some businesses may also work with inexperienced or incompetent digital marketing consultants. We’ve unfortunately seen this happen quite frequently over the years, as many people who claim to be digital marketing specialists are not qualified to lend services to businesses and corporations.

You should always work with a well-established digital marketing company with a proven track record and excellent reviews. Whether you’re looking for help getting your GBP reinstated or simply want an experienced digital marketing agency to handle your local SEO for you, give Auxilium Technology a call today at 301-519-9622.

Auxilium Technology

By Auxilium Team Member


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