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How to Provide Admin/Owner Access to Your Facebook and Instagram Accounts

Nov 7, 2023
Web applications can upgrade your business to the next level!
At Auxilium technology, we understand that seamless collaboration is key to effective digital marketing. To help us deliver the best results for your business, we may need admin or owner access to your social handles, like Facebook and Instagram accounts. These steps are simple and self-explanatory. You can use these steps to seamlessly share the credentials with us.

Step 1: Log In

Start by ensuring you are logged into your Facebook account from a desktop computer.

Step 2: Access Facebook Business Manager

Go to Facebook Business Manager.

If you haven’t set up Facebook Business Manager, you’ll need to make an account. Follow the simple to do so.

Step 3: Add Auxilium Technology As A Partner

Once you’re inside Facebook Business Manager, you can add Auxilium technology as a partner:

Click on “Business Settings” in the upper-right corner.

In the left sidebar, under “Users,” choose “Partners.”
Click the “+ Add” button.

Enter the Business Manager ID provided by Auxilium technology.

Assign a role. To grant us full admin access, select “Admin Access.”

Step 4: Confirm The Request

We will receive a request for access, which we need to accept from our Business Manager. Here’s what we will do:

Log in to our Business Manager account.

Go to “Business Settings.”

Under “Partners,” we’ll see your request for access.

We will accept the request.

Step 5: Providing Access To Instagram

In Facebook Business Manager, navigate to “Business Settings.”

Under “Accounts,” click on “Instagram Accounts.”

Click the “+ Add” button.

Choose “Add an Existing Instagram Account.”

Enter the Instagram username and password.

Step 6: Verify Ownership Of Instagram Account

To confirm ownership of the Instagram account, you will receive a verification code via email or SMS. Please provide this code to us or enter it if requested. And this will complete the process.

Important Considerations

While granting admin access, please make sure to carry out these precautionary steps:

  • The person you are giving access is trustworthy.
  • Ask the user to set a strong password for the safety of the account.
  • Make sure the email that WordPress sends reaches the right person.
  • You always have the authority to remove the admin access.


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