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How to Give Admin Access in WordPress

Nov 2, 2023
Web applications can upgrade your business to the next level!
WordPress is the most utilized platform to manage and maintain websites. Using WordPress, you can do wonders with your website, giving you all the freedom, you want. Keeping these facts in mind, it is essential to know how to share admin access to your WordPress website with others for the sake of further development of the website. This article will discuss how to give admin access to your WordPress website and the essential requirements.

The Motive Behind Sharing Admin Access

Admin access is essential; you must trust the person you are granting admin access. Admin access allows the person to make potential changes to your website, including changing the theme, adding or removing plugins, etc.; if not in safe hands, your website will have to bear colossal damage. The possible scenarios where you will need to grant admin access include:
  • If you want to customize your website by an expert, you will have to grant admin access.
  • Content writers and editors require admin access to update and publish content.
  • If there are technical errors, the expert needs admin access for troubleshooting.
Remember never to grant access to anyone unless you know them and have trust.

Step By Step Process Of Granting Admin Access

If you are looking for the process of giving admin access of WordPress, all you need to do is follow the basic steps below.

  • First, log in to your WordPress account and head towards the dashboard.
  • Once the dashboard appears, you will find the “Users” section on the left side of the dashboard. Click on the “User” section.
  • When the “user” section opens, you will see the “add new user” option at the top. Click on Add a new user, and a small menu will appear in front of you in which you will have to provide all the relevant information of the user you want to grant access to.
  • After filling up all the information, then comes the most crucial step. The fourth step is to choose the role. Click on the role button, and a dropdown menu will appear. Select the part of the administrator.
  • The final step is to select the “add new user” button at the bottom of the screen.
  • WordPress will send an invitation email to the new user, and the process is completed here.

Important Considerations

While granting admin access, please make sure to carry out these precautionary steps:

  • The person you are giving access is trustworthy.
  • Ask the user to set a strong password for the safety of the account.
  • Make sure the email that WordPress sends reaches the right person.
  • You always have the authority to remove the admin access.
Auxilium Technology

By Auxilium Team Member


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